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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000


The study aimed at investigating the influence of Multi-media materials on preschool children’s learning achievement in number work in Little Angel Montessori. The use of Multi-media materials in teaching number work is minimal hence low achievement. The purpose of the study was to investigate whether the use of Multi-media materials influences their achievement of children in learning number work with special reference to the influence of Audio –Visual materials on children learning achievement in number work, the effect of printed materials in children’s learning achievement in number work and the effect of community resources on children is learning achievement in number work.

The literature reviewed on audio-Visual materials, Visual resources, printed resources and community resources in relation to academic achievement in number work. The study adopted descriptive survey. The population was 90 pre-school teachers and 850 pre-school children .The sample of the study included ,28 pre-school teachers and 255 pre-school children. Data was collected by using various instruments such as number work test was administered to children to determine the performance , questionnaires were used to collect data from pre-school teachers, observation schedules was used to establish types of Multi-media/ materials available and observation check list was used to a certain types of printed materials and how they were used. The data was analyzed using quantitative and qualitative method and was presented in table and graphs. The findings of this study revealed that in adequate Multi-media materials had an effect on children’s performance in number work in preschool. The schools that had Multi-media materials children were able to carry out different activities and had good mastery of the content. While the pre schools that lacked the Multi-media materials the performance was poor and children could not master the content easily.


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